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Hookah Brig color (engraving)


  • Hookah Brig – minimalistic design of the shaft with classic draft and diffuser on the O-ring system.
  • The pipe is pressed into the base of the shaft.
  • The purge valve points upward and is located at the base.
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Height of shaft with diffuser Dismountable – 457 mm
Length of the immersion part with diffuser 217 mm
The inner diameter of the upper part of the pipe 14 mm
Inner diameter of the immersion part of the pipe 13 mm
Plate diameter 195 mm
Mouthpiece length 290 mm
Hose connector and diffuser are fixed on the O-ring system
Material: Pipe made of food grade stainless steel Aisi 304, base and diffuser made of polyacetal.
Weight 0.7 kg
Package dimensions: 320x220x90 mm

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